State Finals Shirts
This was started by Mr. Miller, father of Long Jump State qualifier Erin 'Air" Miller in 2001. The tradition has continued and evolved nicely. In the beginning each athlete had their own name on their shirt, but as the yearly qualifiers grew in numbers it seemed to make sense to list the events and names for all qualifiers on the backs...more to come as the tradition evolves.
Spring Break Classic Shirts
This meet started after a cancellation of the Sterling Heights Freshman-Sophomore Invite and a failed attempt to attend the Jefferson 9/10 meet due to weather. We decided to try our luck at an early spring meet at Dakota in 2009. We have had mixed results, with a few cancellation of our own and even moved the meet one year to a later date. Each year we pray that Mother Nature will be on our side.
Dakota invite shirts
After several years of attending an all girls meet at Farmington Mercy on a Saturday, we started to go to a Friday night all boys meet at Livonia Stevenson. Then Coach Zarzycki and I decided that we could run our own invite one day, instead of back to back meets for our coaching staff. We modeled the events after the old De La Salle Invite hosted by long time coach Bob Blunk. We started small we only a few teams the first few years, but have since grown into a 20 plus team invite with hundreds of athletes competing in Freshman, JV and Varsity events hoping to post season best times for the regional meet.
Team T-shirts
Team T-shirts became more and more popular over the years as screen printing became more accessible to the average consumer.
Championship SHirts
These are shirts that were given at the end of the season to the team at the banquet